Our C.S.R


Our C.S.R. commitments

The Coué TRM Group firmly believes that a C.S.R. (Corporate, Social, Economic and Environmental Responsability) is possible without resorting to “green washing”. For within our structure, CSR has been a daily reality for many years now. It will now become part of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) framework, validating our approach and our desire for continous improvement as part of an ever more sustainable corporate strategy.

In the meantime, while we await the completion of this major profect, here are our concrete and straightforward performance actions for 2024:

Our environmental performance actions

  • Involvement in reducing CO0 emissions: Objectif CO2 Charter, Eco-driving, Multimodal transport, High-volume trucks, regular renewal of the truck fleet with latest-generation vehicules
  • Intégration of environmental criteria in the choice of our alternative energy suppliers: Acquisition of trucks running on BioGas and others on B100. 100% Euro 6
  • Support for employee mobility with the introduction of Colocauto, enabling employees to rent a recently insured and maintained car at a moderate price thanks to collaborative rental
  • Knowledge of the situation of our warehouses  with regard to the regulations governing Installations Classées sous Protection de l’Environnement (ICPE) and audit with our CDTMD (Conseillé à la Sécurité pour le Transport de Matières Dangereuses)
  • Raising employees’ awareness of the need to reduce energy, consumables and waste through concrete actions: waste bins, double-sided printing, turning off appliances and lights when not in use, etc.
  • HYDIAC sustainable hygiene label: audit of our buldings every 3 months to improve hygiene and environmental rules linked to our logistics activity and our HACCP approach
Camion Transports Coué au Bio GNV Gaz
Camion Transports Coué au B100 Cuve Oleo100
Logo Objectif CO2
Logo Bio GNV
Logo Oleo100
Logo Colocauto
Logo hydiac

Our social and societal performance initiatives

  • Supporting our employees in their career paths: internal promotion, job creation, regular training, work from home, adapting working conditions to family and health situations to encourage job retention, etc.
  • Collaboration with schools : creation of an AFTEC BTS Transport class, examination boards, visits to our company, adherence to the FNTR charter to promote our transport and logistics professions to young people.
  • Support and training for young people from secondary school to BAC +5: internships, work experience, work-study programs in all departments (Operations, Sales, Import/Export, Mechanics, Truck Driver, Logistics, Human Ressources, etc.)
  • Safety awareness actions with the full-time presence of an in-house trainer and the implementation of prevention measures and awareness actions for professional risks, implementation of an agreement with SDIS 53 to regularly train employees handling hazardous materials in our logistics warehouses (risk prevention)
  • Continuous improvement of working conditions: renovation of offices, choice of ergonomic equipment to enhance the comfort and quality of working life of our work tools (trucks, offices)
  • Internal and external communication: implementation of an internal social network (Steeple) to encourage the dissemination of information with employees on site and on the road, driver’s manual, updated website and social networks with weekly news updates
  • Company partnerships and employee involvement in local events and support for employeees’ social and environmental initiatives: OFNIJEC, Octobre Rose (Les Foulées Roses 53 https://www.lesfouleesroses53.org/), Etoile Lavalloise Futsal, Boucles de la Mayenne
  • Social climate watch: organization of CSE (Comité Social Economique), and in-house events (Christmas dinner, New Year’s Eve party, Family Visit)
  • Creation of a collaborative dynamic with recurring actions to encourage cohesion between departments, and to showcase our employees and our professions: Our reMarquables, Our Winning Team! printed on our truck tarpaulins, on our internal and external calendars, and disseminated on our social networks and website
Nos remarquables du groupe Coué TRM
Participation Octobre Rose de nos collaborateurs Coué TRM
Notre équipe gagnante du groupe Coué TRM
Logo Aftec
Logo Steeple
Logo Les Foulées Roses 53
Logo Etoile Lavalloise Mayenne Futsal

Our governance performance actions

  • Dynamic company in the development of new projects: bonded warehouse, rail platform, construction of a new head office in compliance with new environmental standards
  • Global organizer (3PL) : Import / Export / Transit, storage, distribution to optimize the entire supply chain economically and sustainably
  • RDE (Registered Customs Representative) certification in 2023 by customs, validating the security of our data and processes. Objectif 2025 : AEO (Authorized Economic Organization) certification
  • Palets of transport solutions with a fleet of 175 units: high volume, tarpaulin-covered, van, reefer, container carrier with optimization of the most coherent transport plans
  • Positioned on national and international markets: pooling of sea, air, land and rail solutions
  • Involvement of François Coué, the company’s managing director, in various networks to promote local developmentFNTR Mayenne, MEDEF, Evolutrans, Laval Economie
  • Intégration of information and communication technologies into the organization’s day-to-day operations: WMS, TMS, etc
  • Economic, technical and legal watch to anticipate market and product developments: relations with DREAL, FNTR, Mayenne Durable, Laval Economie, participation in Creative Week with Challenge Compétences
  • Data protection: implementation of an IT charter for maximum protection of confidential and commercial data
  • Encouraging employee performance through a remuneration systems that integrates individual and collective logic: quality bonus, profit-sharing bonus, etc
  • FNTR Label : Responsible Transport and Logistics

Chaine logistique international 3PL du groupe Coué TRM
Sotecan international du groupe Coué TRM certifiée RDE
Participation du