Entries by Transports Coué


Transports Coué at RDV of employment in Laval (France)

“Wednesday, March 25, meet us at the RDV of employment in Laval (France) from 9 am to 5 pm! ” Sandy & Harold, our recruiting team👥 . 📍Salle polyvalente, Place de Hercé, à Laval (53, Mayenne, France) Discover our page dedicated to our jobs opportunities : https://www.transports-coue.fr/en/careers/ #laval #offredemploi #recrutement #jobdating #mayenne #conducteurroutier #chauffeurroutier #alternance […]

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Fire drills with Laval firefighters in our warehouse classified ICPE

This Tuesday, January 28, the objective of the Laval firefighters’ intervention was twofold: ☑️ Putting our fire fighting strategy into practice ☑️ Establishment of a common organization with our respective teams the most effective in case of danger Thank you to the teams for their professionalism! Association des pompiers de Laval #securite #pompiers #environnement #logistique #stockage #icpe #transport #laval #pompierslaval #transportscoue


Frédéric SERRE, Transport Manager at Transports Coué agency in Balgau (68), France, is preparing for the Diagonale des Fous!

“I have always been fascinated by nature, and especially the mountains 🏔 and the summits.” Frédéric Serre, Manager of our agency in Balgau (68). It is therefore natural that for the 10th year, Fred began to practice Trail, a discipline that alternates walking🚶‍♂️ and running 🏃‍♂️in natural environments requiring an iron mind! He took up […]

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Transports Coué at SITL 2020

Let’s meet at SITL from March 17 to 20, 2020! Transport and Logistics Industry Exhibition 📌Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte 📌Hall 6 Stand E012 – Village Matières Dangereuses ❗️ Do you have a logistics or transport project? Let’s meet: acourteille@transports-coue.fr https://www.transports-coue.fr/en/ #sitl20 #innovation #transport #logistique #villepinte #transportscoue #icpe #stockage #3pl #trucks #logistics


Our Wish Meal on January 10th, 2020

This January 10th, François Coué took the opportunity to thank his entire team for the work accomplished in 2019 in the footsteps of what his father built. A beautiful tribute that lets profile a year 2020 still with beautiful perspectives… #transportscoue #voeux2020 #transport #logistique #transportroutier #routier#teamcoue #trucks #trucklife #mayenne

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Transports Coué Aime(nt) comme Mayenne

Great initiative that we support ! 👉The Mayenne Departmental Council makes 521 m² of offices and meeting rooms available to businesses, local authorities and Mayenne associations on the 13th floor of the Tour Montparnasse in the heart of Paris! 👉This approach is accompanied by the creation of a MAYENNE brand, by adhering to its values […]